
3 Survival Tips For Singapore Minimart

If you’re a minimart owner, you’ll realise the current industry isn’t as kind as it was decades ago. Large companies like Fairprice, Sheng Siong & Cold Storage are seeping into the heartland area which was once considered minimart territory. With these big players everywhere, minimarts are facing very stiff competition.

3 Tips For Quick Service Restaurants

With the rising trend of food delivery apps, Quick Service Restaurants (QSR) are emerging all over Singapore. Customers have grown used to receiving fast and efficient service. As such, in order to maintain a steady flow of customers, the food industry needs to adapt to the current pace of business as well.

Quick Guide to Inventory Reports for Retailers

Without a doubt one discipline that all retail owners have to master is inventory management. Proper inventory management will prevent “out of stock” situations, help you to identify performing products and even deter or prevent theft of stock. A huge part of an excellent inventory management system is your inventory report.

Staying Safe And Avoiding The Coronavirus

With the coronavirus infection rate increasing rapidly, many countries have felt the effects of the pandemic. Singapore as a whole has managed to keep a tight control over the situation. But it is far from over, we all have a part to play in order to keep the virus from spreading. As such, here are few tips to follow to ensure we stay safe and healthy.