2022 has been a long year so far, so here are a few funny business memes to make you LOL, ROFL, and LMAO. After all, what’s the Internet without some memes to make you (*hopefully*) gently exhale through your nose?
Why say a long string of words when a picture and short caption can do all the talking? A picture is worth a thousand words.
So let’s get on with it!
My Money Don’t Jiggle Jiggle, It Folds
As a small business owner, I’m sure people have very different ideas about what you actually do.

So Much Work
Is this you and your employees every morning?

Maybe you need some help to reduce that heavy workload and make your business process a little more productive.
Maybe you need…
A POS Solution
Many retail, F&B and minimart businesses need a Point-of-Sale (POS) system. But what happens when you face some… difficulties… with the POS?
Memes. Memes are what happen.
Does your POS system break down? Does your business slow down or fall apart when that happens?

Well, that won’t happen with EPOS’ hybrid Cloud POS system which is also functional offline! *wink wink*
It won’t sync until you’re back online, but there will be no more struggling with an offline system! Learn more about what POS systems are and the differences between traditional and Cloud.
We also provide local tech support from 9am-11pm, 365 days a year! So if your POS system breaks down, just call our tech support hotline and we’ll be happy to help!

Don’t worry, EPOS’ systems are constantly being developed with features that will make your life easier!

We’re going all Will Smith to make your business processes better, and help prime your business for growth.
Ugh, Inventory Management
What about inventory management? It has to be one of the most annoying tasks a business has to face. 😰

And sometimes, your POS acts up and doesn’t accurately reflect your actual inventory. What a nightmare!
But with EPOS, our inventory management system means you’ll save time on stock taking and have an accurately represented inventory.

Big Brain
Well? Are you being big brained right now?

Now that your POS and inventory are settled, let’s move on to something that’s the most essential for your business.
Without customers, your business would not work. So, are your customers returning to your business? How can you make sure that they do? When you retain customer loyalty, you’ll grow your business much faster than always trying to reach out to new customers!
However, you’ll need to first collect customer data, and then use it for marketing, loyalty programs, promotions and so much more!

How do you gather customer data? With a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool, you can grow your customers base, loyalty and retention!

That’s all of the business memes we’ve got for you today! I hope some of them made you gently exhale.
To see more memes (not just of the business and POS kinds), follow our social media! We’ve got a lot more fun to share.
*clap clap*
• Written by Adrija Chakravarti