
Inventory needs to be remapped, or ignored

It indicates that users had used the wrong product import template. Users shall refer to step 1 and step 2 above to download the right product import template.


Sku is too long (maximum is 30 characters) Product handle is too long (maximum is 30 characters)

Product handle and sku should be no more than about 30 characters long.


Sku Please enter only alphanumeric characters, space and following characters – . _ ~ : / ? # [] @ ! $ & ‘ () * + =; Product handle Please enter only alphanumeric characters, space and following characters – . _ ~ : / ? # [] @ ! $ & ‘ () * + =

Only allow alphanumeric characters, space and following characters – . _ ~ : / ? # [] @ ! $ & ‘ () * + = in product handle and sku.


“xE8” from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 (or) “xE7” from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8

For brand, only allow alphanumeric characters, chinese characters are not allowed.


Base price can’t be blank

Sku, product name and base price are compulsory fields to be filled.


Sku has already been taken, Product name has already been taken

Product handle has already been taken Duplicated data has been detected which are existing in the backend portal.


External attributes Serial Number Product must have at least one Required Field.

Column U marked as “serial” ; users need to ensure “TRUE” is filled in either Column Y / Column Z.


Sku is duplicated with sku in line XX

Each SKU must be unique; users must ensure that there is no duplication.

Refer to How to check for duplication of SKU


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