With the one month extension of the Circuit Breaker period announced on 21 April,a majority of Singapore’s business will reopen on the 1st of June.
However, certain businesses have been given the green light to reopen on 12 May 2020.
If your business is allowed to reopen, here is a detailed reopening checklist based on the government guideline for you to follow.
1. Check If Your Business Is Approved To Open
The list of activities allowed to operate will be updated on the GoBusiness website.
Individual shops need to get exemption specifically from the Ministry of Trade and Industry before they can start resuming operations.
If you are still uncertain whether your business is eligible you can call the Enterprise Infoline at 6898-1800 from Monday-Friday, 8.30am-5.30pm and Saturday, 8.30am-1pm (excluding Public Holidays).
2. Read Up On Safety Distancing Guideline
It is vital that you understand what guidelines your business needs to abide by.
This is because failure to abide by the guideline will result in strict fine and even jail time.
Safe Distance Measurement For F&B
1. Implement pre-ordering and payment solutions where possible to minimise physical clustering of customers waiting to place or pick up their orders.
2. Ensure all staff, customers and delivery personnel on their premises have their masks on.
3. Use floor markers to clearly demarcate queue lines and put up signage for customers queuing to order food.
4. Demarcate a waiting area for customers and delivery personnel to pick up their food.
5. Implement contactless pick-up of food where possible to minimise interactions.
6. Ensure that customers and delivery personnel observe at least one-metre spacing at all times and do not cluster together.
Safe Distance Measurement for Retail
Retail establishments that are permitted to remain open must adhere to safe distancing measures and put in place a queue management system to minimise crowding within their premises:
1. Ensure that all staff, customers and delivery personnel on their premises have their masks on.
2. Use floor markers to clearly demarcate queue lines for customers at entrances, cashier counters, fitting rooms or where required.
3. Ensure at least one-metre spacing between customers at all times, and limit the number of customers within the store to allow for the one-metre spacing.
4. Encourage the use of self-checkouts, cashless or contactless payment, to speed up the payment process and reduce cash-handling.
3. Implement SafeEntry For Data Tracking
Malls and Supermarket currently records down visitors information through a digital app called SafeEntry developed by the Government Technology Agency, so that contact tracing can be done if needed.
As of 12 May, SafeEntry is mandatory for F&B and Retail Stores as well
SafeEntry requires visitors to scan their identification card so that the system can record their arrival and departure times.
SafeEntry is mandatory because a common system used by all establishments would allow data to be made available to MOH quickly.
To register your business for SafeEntry, visit their official website: https://www.safeentry.gov.sg/
Where does SafeEntry need to be deployed: https://safeentry.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/900000861343-Where-does-SafeEntry-need-to-be-deployed-
4. Ensure Proper Sanitation Measure In Store
To combat the virus it is very important that the business have proper sanitation and hygiene measure in place to reduce the chances of the virus spreading
List of Governmental Sanitation And Hygiene Measure To Follow
1. Ensure cleanliness and hygiene practices, as recommended under the SG Clean campaign; and comply with the health and hygiene advisories by the Ministry of Health (MOH), Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and National Environment Agency (NEA).
2. Provide hand sanitisers to frontline staff who handle cash and other devices, and who are unable to wash their hands frequently with soap and water.
3. Place hand sanitisers in close proximity to high touch surfaces like door handles so that staff and patrons can sanitise their hands after touching these surfaces.
4. Frequently disinfect common spaces, and increase frequency of cleaning for high touch surfaces and interactive components within the establishment (e.g. smart kiosks).
5. Service staff must provide clear communication on safe distancing measures to customers.
6. Put up simple signage to clearly communicate these practices to customers.
5. Managing Your Staff Members
It is important as a manager to ensure strict measures to protect both your staff and your customers. Here are 3 guidelines set by the government which you can follow
1. Check On Your Staff
Temperature screening, health declaration by staff each time they report for work, and ensuring safe distancing measures are observed at all times.
2. Stagger Meal Timing
Staff must reduce physical interactions and not have meals in groups.
3. Look Out For Symptoms
Those who are unwell, even with mild flu-like symptoms, must see a doctor and stay at home to prevent spreading illness to others.
6. Prepare Your Inventory
It is important to ensure your business is in the right condition to reopen.
Before reopening do a manual stock count of your inventory, this will help you:
Understand The State Of Your Inventory
By doing a manual stock count you can get a feel of your current stock level while re-familiarising yourself with the store products at the same time.
This also ensures that you do not get caught in any out of stock situation.
Compare Your Stock Count
If you have an Inventory Management System, you can tally your physical stock count with your automated one to ensure there are no discrepancies.
Check The Expiry Dates (If Applicable)
It is important to check whether your goods are suitable for sale.
If you deal in perishable goods, you must check the expiry dates of your stock.
7. Promotions
Reopening a store doesn’t necessarily mean business as usual, customers might still be uncomfortable going back to the way they shop.
Hence some motivation might be necessary!
Here are 3 Promotion Idea You Can Consider:
1. Offer increased membership bonuses and encourage customers to purchase more regularly
2. Offer walk in promotions for the first few customers to get customers excited about the reopening
3. Create buzz around your brand and manage your social media consistently to inform your customers about your reopening