EPOS provides Digital Solutions that are eligible for several business grants.

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Digital Resilience Bonus

A bonus payout that rewards up to S$10,000 for enterprises that adopt digital solutions which can help their business to grow and be more efficient.

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EPOS qualifies as a retail enhancement IT solution, whereby eligible SMEs can receive up to 50% of grant support.

Eligibility Criteria

Company size

Startups. Companies with no minimum employees. Small and medium-sized enterprises.

Company shares

Companies need to have 30% of ordinary shares held by Singaporeans or PRs.


SMEs that have claimed the grant from more than a year ago can reapply. 

FREquently Asked QuestionS

Do Applicants Have To Be Singaporeans

Businesses that wish to apply for the Productivity Solution Grant have to have at least 30% of the business’ ordinary shares held by Singaporeans or Permanent Residents.

How Many Times Can A Company Apply For PSG

A company can apply for PSG for every new technology solution. For example, if a company applies for the grant and receives a 50% subsidy for the EPOS POS machine, they can still apply for the grant with a different technological solution.

Companies can only apply for PSG for the same solution more than once if it is for a different outlet under the business. This means that a company can receive 50% subsidy on two or more EPOS machines as long as they are for different outlets. 

Is There A Cap To The PSG Approved Grant

There is a grant cap of S$ 30,000 per business, this cap resets on the 31st of March every year. This means that applicants that have hit their $ 30,000 budget will only be able to qualify for PSG again after 31st March.

*Certain equipment and IT solutions might be subjected to further cost caps.

Can I Apply For PSG After Signing A Contract With EPOS

No you cannot. In order to enjoy the subsidy of the PSG, you have to apply for it before you make the purchase.

It cannot be done after signing or making any payment to a vendor.

What Does PSG Subsidy Cover

The PSG grant only covers the purchase cost of the equipment, delivery fee and installation fee.

Unless stated otherwise, anything else is excluded.  

What Is A Pre-Approved Vendor

IMDA has pre-scoped both vendor and solution in order to simplify the application process. Being a PSG pre-approved vendor allows applicant to apply for the SME grants with confidence as it removes the uncertainty on whether the tech solution is eligible for the grant.


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Eligible employers for SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC) will receive a one-off $10,000 credit to cover up to 90% of the out-of-pocket expenses on qualifying costs

Eligibility Criteria


Contributed at least S$750 for the Skills Development Levy over a given period


Have employed at least three Singapore Citizens (SCs) or Permanent Residents (PRs) every month over the same period.

FREquently Asked Questions

How Do I Apply For SFEC

No application is necessary, eligible customer will be informed by Enterprise Singapore in writing.

What Is Skill Development Levy

Skills Development Levy (SDL) is a mandatory contribution by employers. SDL is to encourage employers to upgrade their employees’ skills. SDL collections are channelled into the Skills Development Fund (SDF), which supports a wide variety of skills upgrading programmes and activities. The SDL and SDF are administered by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG).

What Are The Qualifying Periods

There are four qualifying periods:

a. 1 April 2019 – 31 March 2020
b. 1 July 2019 – 30 June 2020
c. 1 October 2019 – 30 September 2020
d. 1 January 2020 – 31 December 2020

There will be no qualification of employers after the last period.

When Can I Receive The SFEC Reimbursement

The SFEC will be reimbursed directly to employers from 1 April 2021.

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EPOS POS system is currently the only Digital Solution that is eligible for
Retail Category 3 – Data Mining and Analytics.  

Retail Eligibility

Category 1 – Business Process

S$2,500 payout for the adoption of a business process solution that improves accounting, HR/payroll and inventory management.

Catergory 2 – Digital Presence

S$2,500 for the adoption of an e-Commerce Solution that establishes a digital presence.

Category 3 – Data Mining & Analytic

S$5,000 for the adoption of Data Mining & Analytics that provides useful insights on your day-to-day business data.

FREquently Asked Question

Do I Have To Qualify For Category 1 & 2 Before Being Eligible For Category 3

No, all 3 categories are not dependent on each other. You just need to meet the criteria for each category to receive the payout.

What Are The Baseline Eligibility Criteria

1) Your UEN must fall under Retail Sectors (Check your SSIC)

2) Your UEN must be incorporated on or before 26 May 2020

3) Your company must have a UEN registered with an active PayNow Corporate account

4) Your company must have a UEN registered with Peppol e-invoicing network

How Do I Apply For DRB Grant

There is no need for you to apply for the IMDA DRB bonus, your solution provider will apply on your behalf. You will need to provide usage data for submission.

I Am Currently Using More Than One Solution that Qualifies For The Same Category. Who Do I Approach For DRB Application

IMDA will be collecting usage information from all qualified solution providers before cross-checking the data internally to determine the enterprises that will receive the DRB payouts.

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