
💡 Ensure that all empty column and row are removed

1. Headers Error

Needs to be remapped, or ignored

  • The wrong product import template could have been used.
    Refer to step 5 of bulk importing products on web ordering app to download the right product import template.
  • Remove empty column(s)
  • Check that the right column naming has been used.



2. Content Error

2.1 Missing Fields

sku, store_name and menu_category are compulsory fields.


If you filled in blank in compulsory fields, you will receive the following error messages: 

Line X: sku is empty

  • Check that the sku column is fully filled


Line X: store_name is empty

  • Check that the store_name column is fully filled


Line X: menu_category is empty

  • Check that the menu_category column is fully filled



2.2 Inaccurate/Incorrect Fields

sku, store_name or menu_category must exist in the backend.


If you have inaccurate/incorrect fields, you will receive the following error messages: 

Line X: sku: ‘xxxxxxxxx’ is not found

  • Check if the store name has been entered correctly.
  • Go to the “Products” page to check if the sku has been created.


Line X: store_name: ‘xxxxxxxxx’ is not found


Line X: menu_category: ‘xxxxxxxxx’ is not found

  • Check if the menu category has been entered correctly. 
  • Check if the category has been created at menu category



2.3 Duplicated Fields

The system has detected duplicated fields.


If you have duplicated fields, you will receive the following error message: 

Line X & Line Y have duplicated values

  • Check for duplication in the 2 specified lines, with the exact same sku, store_name, menu_category input.



2.4 Mismatched Availability

The system has detected conflicting availability status.


If you have mismatched availability fields, you will receive the following error messages: 

Line X & Line Y have mismatch availability

  • Look for the rows that include the same sku, store_name, yet different availability status
  • Check for the availability status accuracy 


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