
An invoice has the Pending status in one of two scenarios when:

  • Users create a new invoice and selects Create Invoice on the bottom of the New Invoice page
  • Users selects Confirm on a draft invoice

This subsection elaborates the features and actions of an invoice in Pending status.







Enable users to edit the Due Date field of the pending invoice.

💡No other invoice fields will be editable in a pending invoice.


Make Payment Changes the invoice’s status from Pending to Partial/Paid

When users select Make Payment, a dialog box will pop-up:























The three parts of this pop-up are:

  • Invoice Detail
  • Payment Detail
    • Payment Amount*: enter the amount to be paid towards the invoice’s outstanding amount

     💡This field will display total outstanding amount by default

  • Payment Method*: select a payment method for the payment to be made

     💡Only payment methods that have been created in the backend portal will appear as a dropdown option.

Payment Date*: select a date of payment for the invoice

  • Reference : Enable users to add in any notes/terms [if any]

Select Cancel Payment to close this pop-up (without recording a payment) or select Confirm Payment to record the partial/full payment.

💡This action will add a partial/full payment to the corresponding sales order. For more information, see Invoices’ Impact on Sales receipts, Transaction timelines and Inventory.


Email To customer

Enable users to send a PDF version of the draft invoice to the customer.


Export to PDF

A PDF version of the pending invoice will automatically be downloaded into the user’s computer.

Enable users to void the pending invoice.

A dialog box will pop up asking the users to confirm the voiding:


Select Yes, I’m sure to proceed with voiding the pending invoice or select Cancel or X to exit the voiding and go back to the pending invoice.

All pending, partial and paid invoices can be voided. 


View Receipt

Enable users to view the Sales order related to the pending invoice.


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