Release Log

Dec 2023: Implemented Quick Pick Configuration To Hide Product Price


Under the Configuration tab, click on POS Configs. This will direct users to the POS Configurations page to manage the settings for the POS registered for the outlet. For the setting to take effect, users will need to sync the changes at POS.

For more details, refer to POS Menu.

1. Fast Start Shift Config

☑️  this setting to allow staff to perform fast start shift.

    • Custom Amount: Enter the default start shift amount so you can save time entering the same amount for every shift
    • Based on prior shift’s shift cash balance: The start shift amount will automatically be pre-filled based on the previous end shift amount


2. Fast End Shift Config

☑️  this setting to allow staff to perform fast end shift (without the need to key in each bank note)


3. Force Variance Rekey

☑️  this setting to restrict staff from ending a shift when there is a discrepancy in terms of sales and amount collected.


4. Cashier Upsell

☑️  this setting to enable a pop out window to remind cashier when there is a promotion going on.


5. Clear Order Popup

☑️  this setting to trigger request for a clear order for every POS start up.


6. Skin Configs

☑️  Quickpick view to use quickpick grid view as default sales screen at POS.

☑️  Quantity view to use order line view as default sales screen at POS.

☑️  Hide price on quickpick and product search at POS. 

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