
This feature provides users the convenience of recording inventory which requires tracking by Serial Number /IMEI. Refer to Serial Number Products for details on creating a serial number product.

To access the Serial Number /IMEI page, under Inventory, click on the Serial Number/ IMEI tab. Users will be directed to this page.



1. Add Serial Number / IMEI

Allows users to assign serial numbers to serial number products. For more details, see Adding Serial Numbers/ IMEI to Serial Number Products.


2. Import Serial Number / IMEI

Allows users to bulk import serial numbers and serial number products. For more details, see Adding Serial Numbers/ IMEI to Serial Number Products.


3. Filter and Search

Allows users to search through the list of serial number products with SKU, serial numbers and status of the product.


4. List of Serial Number Products

Shows users the serial number products created and imported into the backend portal.


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