Customer Config

⬇ Explore the functionalities of the customer config page by toggling between tabs below.⬇

This section provides guidance on configuring customers which are created in the backend portal.

Click on customer name to access each customers’ customer configuration page.

In the customer configuration page, by default, users will be directed to Customer Overview page.

1. Edit Customer

Edit customer details. Displays the edit window similar to Add Customer.


2. Spending Details

Show users the spending details of a particular customer.

    • Total Spent: Lifetime (since created)
    • Total Orders: Total number of orders made
    • Credit Balance: Amount of credit left in the customer’s account
      (Enable credit transaction when adding a new customer.
    • Account Balance: Amount to be repaid by customers
      (Enable account transaction when adding a new customer.


3. Membership

Shows users the membership details which the customer is assigned to, and membership points available for redemption.

For more information, see Memberships.


4. Customer Note

Shows customer remarks, if any.


5. Last Transaction

Shows users the last transaction made by the customer.

    • Location
    • No. of days ago


6. Registered Date

Date of customer being created in the EPOS database.


7. Customer Personal Particulars

Shows users’ customer’s personal particulars.


8. PDPA and Marketing Materials consent

Shows PDPA consent and marketing materials attributes. User can choose to enable or disable these options.

A customer’s order history is a list of all the orders they’ve placed with users’ businesses in the past. It includes the specific items customers purchased, price of each item, along with information about the customer and when they bought the products.

1. Edit Customer

Edit customer details. Displays the edit window similar to Add Customer.


2. Filter and Search

Allows users to search for orders based on order numbers, dates and order status.


3. Order Details

Shows users the entire list of orders made by a particular customer

    • Order Number
    • Status of order (Void / On-account / Completed)
    • Date / Time
    • Sold By
    • Outlet
    • Basket Size (no. of items purchased in the order)
    • Grand total
    • Balance to be paid off


4. Order Invoice

Click on the order number to see the order details page.


5. Order Processed by

Click on the name of the staff to access staff configuration.


6. Order Location

Click on the name of the store to access outlet configuration.


This section provides users the details or history of customer’s credit transactions.

1. Edit Customer

Edit customer details. Displays the edit window similar to Add Customer.


2. Credit Balance

Credit balance in customer’s account.


3. Add Adjustment

Allow users to manually adjust customer credit.

a. Enter credit.

b. Enter the reason for adjustment of the credit.
💡 Users may enter a negative value to reduce customers’ credit.

c. Click on Create Adjustment once done.


4. Credit History

Details Shows user the credit transactions history of the customer

    • Date and Time
    • Description of credit transaction
    • Debit or Credit
      💡 “Debit” means deduction of credit; “Credit” means increment of credit.
    • Order number in which credit is transacted.


5. Order Invoice

Click on the order number to access the detailed order invoice page.

Users may refer to Product Pricing for more details on configuring product credits.

Users may also refer to Adding a New Customer to toggle on or off for credit transactions.


This section provides guidance on the total outstanding payments to be made by customers and details or history of customer’s on-account transactions.

1. Edit Customer

Edit customer details. The edit window will be shown, similar to Add Customer.


2. Account Balance

Total sum of outstanding payment from customer.


3. Account History Details

Show users the on-account transactions history of the customer.

    • Order number
    • Date and time
    • Payment method
    • Debit or credit

💡 For every debit transaction, the payment method represents how customers cleared their outstanding payments.


4. Order Invoice

Click on the order number to access the detailed order invoice page.


Details on checking customer’s membership points, customer earning and spending membership points will be explained in this section.

For more information on customer membership and membership points, see Memberships.

1. Edit Customer

Edit customer details. The edit window will be shown, similar to Add Customer.


2. Point Balance

Available balance of customer’s membership points.


3. Add Adjustment

Allow users to manually adjust customer’s membership point balance.

a. Customer’s current membership points.

b. Enter points adjustment.
💡 Users may enter a negative value to reduce customers’ membership points.

c. Insert Adjustment Description

d. Click on Create Adjustment once done.


4. Membership Point History Details

Shows user the on-account transactions history of the customer

    • Order Number
    • Date and Time
    • Type: Earn/ Spent/ Refund
    • Description: Describes Points Type
    • Debit or Credit


This section guides users on the package(s) purchased by a customer. Users can utilize this feature to check on the status of package(s) and its associated details owned by a customer.

1. Edit Customer

Edit customer details. Displays the edit window similar to Add Customer.


2. Packages Details

Shows users information related to the list of packages purchased by a customer.

    • Package Name
    • Purchase Date
    • Expiry Date
    • Type of package: session or credit
    • Value: No of sessions/ amount of credit in the package
    • Value Left: Remaining session / credit redeemable


3. Package Configuration

Click on the name of the package to access the package configuration page.

For more information, see Package Page.


4. Edit Expiry Date

Allow users to update the expiry date of the package purchased by the customer.

a. Select the expiry date.

b. Click on Save once done.
💡 Updating this date will not affect the expiry date of other customers’ packages.


5. Linked Product Details

Click on Linked Product Details to expand the details of linked products in the package.

Users will be able to see the following details:

    • Linked Product Name
    • Redemption Limit
    • Redemption Left


6a. Remove

For packages which are yet to be redeemed, it will be possible for users to remove the package from a particular customer. Click on Remove.

If the package purchase transaction was voided at the FRONTEND POS, the

package will be automatically removed from the customer’s account.

Once the package was redeemed by the customer, the Remove button will no longer be shown, users will only see Transaction History.


6b. Transaction History

Click on Transaction History to expand the list of transactions in which the package was redeemed.

    • Date and Time
    • Order Number: click on Order Number to see Order Invoice
    • Cashier
    • Outlet
    • Amount: Session or credit redeemed.

💡 Users may remove a package which had been redeemed, users are required to void all related transaction at FRONTEND POS, the package will be removed from the customer. See below for updated customer’s package


To improve customer experience and improve business efficiency, this update allows customers who sign up on all channels to perform ‘Credit’ and ‘On Account’ transactions. 

These channels include directly from the POS, Customer Portal, Webapp Customer Registration, Advanced Customer Registration, and Advanced QR Ordering.

Users can enable the configuration for new customers across channels to be automatically allowed to perform ‘Credit’ and ‘On Account’ transactions. 

When users check the option to ‘Allow Credit Transactions’, all customers are able to perform credit transactions regardless of the channel they signed up from. 

When users check the option ‘Allow Account Transactions’, all customers are able to have on account transactions regardless of the channel they signed up from.