This section describes in detail the features of Customers Membership. Users will be guided through on creating new memberships, configuring the memberships and assigning customers to the relevant membership. This feature is best used for users who would like to reward customers with membership points as part of the effort in customer relationship management.
Users must take note that the point redemption setting will be constant across all membership tiers. However, to differentiate between membership tiers, users can decide the points earning rate (points earned per dollar spent) for each tier, e.g. the more prestigious tier will be rewarded more points per dollar spent.
To access the Membership Main Page, at the Features Panel, click on Membership, by default, users will be directed to Membership Overview page.
1. Point Redemption Config
Allows users to adjust the point redemption in terms of $/point for customers who wish to redeem membership points
a. Enter points conversion rate.
b. Enter maximum redemption limit. If no limit, ☑️ No Limit.
c. Click on ChangeRule once done.
2. Add Tier
Allows users to create a new membership tier.
a. Enter the name of the membership tier.
b. Enter no. of points earned per dollar spent.
c. Enter no. of days for unspent points to be forfeited. 💡Can be left blank if it is not applicable.
d. Click on AddTier once done.
3. View Archive
Shows the membership tiers which are no longer active.
Membership Tier Name
No. of members
Earn Rate: No. of points earned per dollar spent
Date of membership tier created
Date of membership tier archived
4. Default Membership Tier
Allows new customers to be automatically assigned to a particular membership tier.
Click on the membership tier name to select the default tier from the list of dropdown selections. Click on Submit to confirm and save change.
💡No default tier will be selected if left blank.
Once set, the default membership tier will be shown.
5. Membership Tier Details
Shows the user the list of membership tiers created and their related details
To access Membership Configuration page, click on the name of the membership tier.
Users will then be directed to the Membership Configuration page, under the Overview tab.
1. Membership Settings
a. Edit Tier: Displays Edit Tier window.
a. Edit membership tier name. b. Edit membership tier points earning rate. c. Edit number of days of inactivity for membership points to expire. d. Edit number of days from date joined for membership tier to expire.
💡 The number of days for the membership tier to expire will auto-apply for all new members of the membership tier. 💡 Users are encouraged to input the number of days to expiry for membership points and tiers to automate the membership point and tier expiration process.
e. Click to save changes to membership tier configurations.
b. Archive Tier: Deactivates membership tier.
2. Membership Tier Overview
Shows the number of active members and new members added today.