
Video Tutorial :

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From the Sales Screen click on POS Menu and select Cash Management. Users are able to perform cash in/out at the FRONTEND POS. Cash activities will be recorded in the BACKEND PORTAL under Shift Report.


1. Shift Details

Shows details of the current active shift.


2. Cash Activities

Shows the history log and details of cash activities


3. Cash In / Cash out

Allow users to perform cash in or cash out, display the cash in/out window.

(a) Select Cash In / Petty Cash In OR Cash Out / Petty Cash Out

(b) Insert Amount

(c) Insert Note

💡Select Supplier when performing Cash Out. If a supplier is selected, users can opt not to insert Note.

(d) Click on Cash In / Cash Out to confirm.

💡This field will be enabled only after all fields are filled in.


4. Search

Allows user to search using the ‘Cash Type’ and ‘Supplier’ filters.


5. Print Receipt

Allows users to re-print the cash management receipt print-out.


6. Total Cash In & Cash Out 

Shows user the total amount of Cash In and Cash Out for the current shift.


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