

October 2023

This month, get ready for an exhilarating wave of cutting-edge updates to our POS System! We are thrilled to bring you an extensive array of new features, further underlining our unwavering dedication to elevating your point-of-sale experience. And the excitement doesn’t end here! Stay tuned for what’s coming next, as we continue to innovate and provide even greater value to your business


What’s New

In this version, we’ve introduced a range of exciting features and improvements based on feedback from our valued users. Here are the new enhancements/features:

Not sure which affects you? 

These icons indicate which group of users is impacted by each enhancement: Point of Sale (POS) users, Backend users, or Web Ordering App users.

(🖥️ POS —— ⚙️ Backend ——📱 Web Ordering App ——)


Change Log

27 Oct 2023: Updated areas include Weighing Scale (Indicated by **)

20 Oct 2023: Updated areas include Purchase Order, Shopify and Android POS. (Indicated by *)

(Voucher) Voucher Settings Now Have Customer Redemption Limit ⚙️

This new configuration would enable you to create more exciting voucher variations to drive traffic and sales to your store, like “First 100 customers can redeem a free cup of Milk Tea with pearls @$1.90”. 

Hold your first campaign with this new update and let us do the work in ensuring that every eligible customer only redeems once.

Relevant Pages: Vouchers 

(Voucher) Voucher Code Display on Backend Sales Receipt and A4 Receipts 🖥️ ⚙️

This enhancement is in continuation with last month’s newly introduced voucher type – Discount Vouchers. The use of discount vouchers would be reflected on Backend Sales Receipt and A4 Receipt in the same way as how Promotions or Manual Discounts are displayed – at the bottom of the respective line items. 

(Stock Transfer) Implementation of Displaying Total Cost Price of Transferred Goods ⚙️

The display of total cost price of transferred goods allows for the warehouse outlet to see the total cost price of the goods that were transferred. This information is crucial to know the amount to charge the retail outlet after the stock transfer is completed. 

Relevant Pages: Stock Transfer


🖱️ Click to enlarge image

(Stocktake) Implementation of Autofill Feature When Receiving Purchase Order 🖥️

The new feature streamlines the process of receiving purchase orders. It fills in the receiving cost price and quantity according to the amount entered when creating a purchase order.

Relevant Pages: Stocktake

(Stocktake) Implementation of Duplicate Button When Creating Purchase Orders 🖥️

The new action items – Duplicate & Delete increases efficiency when creating purchase orders, especially for products with varying cost prices.

Relevant Pages: Stocktake

(Purchase Order) Added Supplier Notes on Exported PDF File for POs* ⚙️

With this update, your exported PDFs of Purchase Orders will showcase the written supplier notes, containing vital data like delivery schedules, payment instructions and lead times. Making it easier to coordinate effectively with suppliers and have a complete record of order specifics.

Relevant Pages: Creating a PO

(Weighing Scale) Introduced Support For Mttlr Toledo Weighing Scale Models**

Our POS system used to only support Aclas_0S2X weighing scales. Now we support a new brand of weighing scale – Mttler Toledo, Brand models of XP /XS/ XA.

To start utilising the Mttlr Toledo weighing scale with our system, contact our support team at [email protected] / 6871 8833.

(QR / WebApp) Separation of QR Ordering and Kiosk Payment Modes/Methods ⚙️ 📱

The new configuration system that allows users to manage payment modes and methods separately for QR Ordering and Kiosk. This ensures a smoother and more intuitive experience, empowering you to tailor payment options to each platform’s specific needs. 

Relevant Pages: Web Ordering App

(QR / WebApp) Addition of 2nd Available Timing Configurations ⚙️ 📱

This new feature is similar to WebApp Store operating hours, enabling users to set secondary timings for individual product availability. Make the necessary changes now if this applies to you!

  1. If you have a lunch break and would like to block off ordering in those times.
  2. If your operating hours are overnight and would like to start selling at 10 pm till 6 am.

You can now effortlessly configure distinct schedules for food and alcohol sales, making it convenient to manage overlapping hours.

Relevant Pages:
Individual: Edit Product Details on Web Ordering App
Bulk Edit: Bulk Edit Product Details on Web Ordering App

(WATI) Option to Disable E-Receipt Sending 🖥️

In light of the new pricing model Whatsapp has introduced, we are putting out a new configuration for businesses who wish to opt out of sending e-Receipts to your customers to save cost. 

Relevant Pages: WATI – see “Configs” tab

(Shopify) Enhanced Order Request Page’s UI To Highlight Error Message In Red* ⚙️

Highlighting error messages in a striking red allows us to bring your attention to incomplete synchronising of orders so that no incomplete orders go unnoticed.

🖱️ Click to enlarge image

(Android POS) Implemented Cash Drawer* 🖥️

Our cash drawers are now compatible with our Android POS and would automatically open up whenever Cash is involved! 

(ERP) Implementation of Scheduled Time Field When Creating Delivery Order ⚙️

Incorporating a time field enables the precise recording of the creation date and time for delivery orders, enhancing documentation accuracy.

When the time field is filled, it will show up on the backend delivery order page and the exported PDF. 

Relevant Pages: Delivery Order

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🖱️ Click to enlarge image


How to Update

For POS related features, user will need to update the POS to the latest version, version 4.1.16.

For Backend related features, user are not required to perform any actions, the new features would automatically be updated.



We value your input! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for further improvements, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Stay Connected

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Thank You

We appreciate your continued trust in EPOS. This update is just one of many steps we’re taking to provide you with the best POS system on the market.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the update, please contact our support team at:
Call: 6871 8833 / Email: [email protected] / Whatsapp: 8482 1888

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